TQUK Level 2 Award in COSHH Risk Assessment (RQF)

52 videos, 2 hours and 6 minutes

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COSHH Safety Data Sheets

Video 13 of 52
3 min 48 sec
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Safety Data Sheets: Importance and Contents

Understanding Safety Data Sheets

Definition: Safety data sheets (SDS) provide crucial information on chemical or hazardous substances that may pose health risks in the workplace.

Scope: SDS cover substances hazardous in their original form or when altered, such as wood dust from cut boards.

Usage: Employers utilize SDS during risk assessments to gather details on assessed products, including hazards, handling, storage, and emergency procedures.

Compliance with HSE Guidelines

The HSE-approved code of practice mandates employers to consider supplier-provided SDS when assessing activities involving hazardous substances.

Exploring a Safety Data Sheet (Example: Bleach)

Identification: The SDS begins with supplier details and emergency contacts.

Hazard Identification: This section outlines substance hazards, labeling requirements, and associated risks.

Composition: Details the substance's ingredients.

First Aid Measures: Provides essential guidance for medical emergencies.

Fire Risks: Identifies fire hazards and firefighting instructions.

Accidental Release Measures: Addresses environmental concerns and cleanup procedures.

Handling and Storage: Specifies proper storage conditions and handling precautions.

Exposure Controls: Outlines control parameters and necessary protective equipment.

Physical and Chemical Properties: Describes substance characteristics.

Toxicological Information: Covers health effects upon inhalation, ingestion, or skin/eye contact.

Transportation Precautions: Advises on safe transportation practices.

Importance of Safety Data Sheets

Significance: Each product requires a separate SDS, essential for risk assessments and preventing chemical mishaps.

Storage and Reference: Maintain SDS securely and review them regularly, especially when assessing potential chemical interactions.

Consultation: In case of uncertainty, contact the manufacturer or supplier for clarification or additional information.