TQUK Level 2 Award in COSHH Risk Assessment (RQF)

52 videos, 2 hours and 6 minutes

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Permit to Work

Video 36 of 52
2 min 35 sec
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Understanding Permit to Work Procedures: Importance and Application

Development and Application

The permit to work procedure originates from the chemical industry but is applicable across various sectors for managing complex risks.

Principles of Permit to Work

The core principle is that certain operations require specific permission from a responsible manager after thorough safety checks to ensure work can proceed safely.

Responsibilities and Controls

For high-risk work, strict controls are necessary, and workers must adhere to the safeguards outlined in the permit. Training and monitoring ensure the system operates effectively, with the site manager retaining overall responsibility.

Contents of Permit to Work

A permit to work document typically includes details such as the nature of work, authorized personnel, location, identified risks, safety precautions, and validity period.

Examples Requiring Permits

Instances requiring permits may include work in confined spaces, asbestos handling, roof work, and tasks involving naked flames like welding.

Completion and Certification

The person responsible for the authorized work usually certifies completion, confirming the plant or machinery's re-acceptance.

Real-life Application

During filming at a Petrol Plant, a permit to work was necessary due to high risks involved with camera and sound equipment usage. Detailed documentation accompanied the team, and upon completion, the permit was signed, allowing departure.

Eliminating Hazards

Efforts should be made to eliminate hazards, especially in routine tasks, reducing the need for permits and ensuring safer working conditions.