Lead and its dangers
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Understanding Lead Regulations and Health Protection
Lead Regulations Overview
Lead falls outside COSHH regulations, with separate guidelines addressing lead-related issues, prevalent across various workplaces beyond construction.
Workplace Lead Sources
Various industrial processes generate lead dust, fume, or vapour, including:
- Stripping old lead paint
- Lead recovery from scrap
- Manufacturing lead-acid batteries and recycling
- Leaded-glass production
- Painting buildings or vehicles
- Recycling electronics containing Cathode Ray Tubes
Health Protection Measures
To safeguard health, individuals should:
- Obtain adequate information and training
- Utilize provided equipment as instructed
- Ensure proper fit and condition of protective gear
- Dispose of lead waste responsibly
- Practice personal hygiene, avoiding lead contamination
Employer Responsibilities
Employers must:
- Conduct thorough risk assessments
- Implement and record control measures
- Monitor air quality and employee exposure
- Ensure hygiene standards and provide suitable facilities
- Arrange medical surveillance for significant exposure cases
- Investigate and review measures if action levels are exceeded
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