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Understanding the Risks of Liquids in the Workplace
Definition of Liquids
A liquid is a substance that exists in a state between solid and gas, typically at temperatures between freezing and boiling points.
Liquids in the Workplace
In health and safety regulations, liquids are referred to as fluids. They encompass various chemicals, including paints, cleaning agents, pesticides, and more.
Impact and Risks
Liquids pose several risks in workplaces due to their fluid nature and potential for contamination. Assessing these risks is crucial for implementing appropriate control measures.
Key Considerations:
- Storage Requirements: Evaluate if liquids require specific storage conditions, such as temperature or light exposure.
- Labeling and Signage: Determine if there are any requirements for labeling or signage to indicate hazards.
- Chemical Mixing Risks: Assess the risks associated with mixing different chemicals and potential reactions.
- Emission of Fumes or Gases: Consider if liquids emit fumes or gases that could pose health hazards.
- Spray or Pressurization: Evaluate the safety measures needed when spraying or pressurizing liquids.
- Flammability: Determine if the liquid is flammable and implement appropriate precautions.
- Spillage Management: Assess the need for spillage trays or double skin containers to contain spills.
- Splash and Spray Risks: Consider the risk of splashes or sprays when filling containers and take necessary precautions.
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