What is not covered by COSHH
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Understanding Exemptions from COSHH Regulations
Overview of COSHH Exemptions
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations cover various hazardous substances, but certain exemptions exist due to separate regulations addressing specific risks.
Key Areas Not Covered
The three primary areas not included under COSHH are:
- Asbestos
- Lead products
- Radioactive substances
Workers dealing with these substances must adhere to additional regulations to ensure compliance.
Other Uncovered Substances
Additionally, COSHH does not cover substances:
- Considered simple asphyxiants
- Under high pressure or extreme temperatures
- With explosive or flammable properties
- Biological agents not directly work-related, such as flu transmission among workers
Access to Further Information
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) website offers comprehensive details on all substances, serving as an invaluable resource for additional information.
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